War Diary Publications swag is now available. To order, please visit: https://war-diary-publications.printify.me/products |
A traditional wargaming magazine, decidedly old-school in our approach. We don't publish any games, but then don't you already pay enough for games you may never play? Each issue of War Diary features articles on military history, game play and variants, game reviews, commentary, interviews with gaming personalities, and insight from game designers and developers. Our contributors include an interesting mix of well known and new writers..
SUBSCRIPTION FORMAT Subscriptions to War Diary are for three issues, with subscribers being able to choose between receiving traditional print issues or electronic pdf copies. Please join us. One year print subscriptions (three print issues) are $32.00 (U.S. and Canada), and $46.00 (Overseas). PDF subscriptions (three issues) are $16.00. All subscribers will receive single use discount codes good for 25% off any single order from LNL Publishing and 20% off any single order (sale priced or preorder items excluded) from Revolution Games! Visit their websites at http://revolutiongames.us, and http://store.lnlpublishing.com to view their available products. |